Dr Umar Elahi Azam's Mobile/Cell PhoneTexts Site
Text Messages Pertaining to Islamic Education
Welcome to Dr Umar Azam's twenty-eighth Website, development for which began on 28 May 2014.
The reader may ask himself or herself: "What is the use of a Site like this?"
1. The texts on this Site show that common technology, that is mobile/cell phones, can be effectively used for Islamic work.
2. Because texts are typed, they provide a historical record of communication if transcribed.
3. Texts do not have to be trivial; they can discuss important religious matters e.g. the interpretation of dreams
4. Texts can therefore be used for educational purposes, since dream interpretation answers can be technical
5. The texts on this Site are all instances of original material unique to this Site, previously unpublished elsewhere
6. The texts are general indicators of the way of life [culture] of the authors
7. News and views are expressed
8. The content of certain texts link to the Websites of Dr Umar Azam and/or writings and material published therein
9. Certain texts illustrate the nature of religious field work i.e. the distributing of free Islamic literature and resources to the general public e.g. the distribution of M. Javed's Power of Durood Booklet
9. These texts may inspire readers to exchange and then publish in the future their own meaningful and educational texts
The Websites of Dr Umar Elahi Azam. Please click on each link to reach a different Site.
& Dr Umar Azam 27: http://dr-umar-azam-manuscripts.weebly.com
This Site^ is maintained by Dr Umar Azam*
Click on link to reach Website
Click on link to reach Website
*Search engines: 'Dr Umar Azam' & 'Dr Umar Elahi Azam'
*Search engines: 'dr-umar-azam.com'
*Search engines: 'dr-umar-azam.co.uk'
GOOGLE CLASSIC Search engine is recommended
Click on link to reach Website
Click on link to reach Website
*Search engines: 'Dr Umar Azam' & 'Dr Umar Elahi Azam'
*Search engines: 'dr-umar-azam.com'
*Search engines: 'dr-umar-azam.co.uk'
GOOGLE CLASSIC Search engine is recommended